SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of BARODA BNP PARIBAS ARBITRAGE FUND Reg Quarterly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 10.4706
24-02-2025 10.466
21-02-2025 10.4716
20-02-2025 10.4704
19-02-2025 10.4685
18-02-2025 10.4673
17-02-2025 10.4593
14-02-2025 10.4587
13-02-2025 10.4552
12-02-2025 10.4544
11-02-2025 10.4528
10-02-2025 10.4493
07-02-2025 10.4494
06-02-2025 10.445
05-02-2025 10.4433
04-02-2025 10.4404
03-02-2025 10.4363
31-01-2025 10.4338
30-01-2025 10.4272
29-01-2025 10.4295
28-01-2025 10.4244
27-01-2025 10.4254
24-01-2025 10.4255
23-01-2025 10.4135
22-01-2025 10.4131
21-01-2025 10.4153
20-01-2025 10.4106
17-01-2025 10.4086
16-01-2025 10.405
15-01-2025 10.4059
14-01-2025 10.3991
13-01-2025 10.4042
10-01-2025 10.4039
09-01-2025 10.391
08-01-2025 10.3945
07-01-2025 10.3945
06-01-2025 10.3954
03-01-2025 10.3901
02-01-2025 10.3794
01-01-2025 10.3785
31-12-2024 10.3741
30-12-2024 10.3605
27-12-2024 10.55
26-12-2024 10.5477
24-12-2024 10.541
23-12-2024 10.5434
20-12-2024 10.5444
19-12-2024 10.5302
18-12-2024 10.5333
17-12-2024 10.529
16-12-2024 10.527
13-12-2024 10.5235
12-12-2024 10.5199
11-12-2024 10.5175
10-12-2024 10.5149
09-12-2024 10.5195
06-12-2024 10.5122
05-12-2024 10.518
04-12-2024 10.5155
03-12-2024 10.5127
02-12-2024 10.5004
29-11-2024 10.4972
28-11-2024 10.494
27-11-2024 10.496
26-11-2024 10.5014
25-11-2024 10.495
22-11-2024 10.4964
21-11-2024 10.4938
19-11-2024 10.4932
18-11-2024 10.4846
14-11-2024 10.4848
13-11-2024 10.4764
12-11-2024 10.4804
11-11-2024 10.4723
08-11-2024 10.4763
07-11-2024 10.4663
06-11-2024 10.4598
05-11-2024 10.4631
04-11-2024 10.4593
31-10-2024 10.4448
30-10-2024 10.443
29-10-2024 10.4448
28-10-2024 10.4476
25-10-2024 10.4547
24-10-2024 10.4411
23-10-2024 10.4397
22-10-2024 10.4442
21-10-2024 10.4399
18-10-2024 10.4235
17-10-2024 10.4297
16-10-2024 10.4194
15-10-2024 10.4252
14-10-2024 10.4217
11-10-2024 10.4212
10-10-2024 10.4149
09-10-2024 10.4111
08-10-2024 10.4015
07-10-2024 10.3981
04-10-2024 10.4025
03-10-2024 10.3865
01-10-2024 10.3856
30-09-2024 10.3893
27-09-2024 10.5695
26-09-2024 10.5678
25-09-2024 10.5752
24-09-2024 10.5757
23-09-2024 10.5758
20-09-2024 10.5768
19-09-2024 10.5649
18-09-2024 10.5684
17-09-2024 10.5642
16-09-2024 10.561
13-09-2024 10.5654
12-09-2024 10.5658
11-09-2024 10.5642
10-09-2024 10.5578
09-09-2024 10.5558
06-09-2024 10.5611
05-09-2024 10.5453
04-09-2024 10.5504
03-09-2024 10.5435
02-09-2024 10.5399
30-08-2024 10.5341
29-08-2024 10.5151
28-08-2024 10.5234
27-08-2024 10.5213
26-08-2024 10.5151
23-08-2024 10.5181
22-08-2024 10.5052
21-08-2024 10.5026
20-08-2024 10.5054
19-08-2024 10.5009
16-08-2024 10.4996
14-08-2024 10.501
13-08-2024 10.5024
12-08-2024 10.4932
09-08-2024 10.4873
08-08-2024 10.49
07-08-2024 10.4773
06-08-2024 10.4811
05-08-2024 10.4806
02-08-2024 10.4837
01-08-2024 10.4694
31-07-2024 10.4628
30-07-2024 10.4623
29-07-2024 10.4624
26-07-2024 10.4612
25-07-2024 10.4579
24-07-2024 10.4576
23-07-2024 10.4549
22-07-2024 10.4558
19-07-2024 10.4573
18-07-2024 10.4427
16-07-2024 10.4379
15-07-2024 10.435
12-07-2024 10.4427
11-07-2024 10.4292
10-07-2024 10.4308
09-07-2024 10.4272
08-07-2024 10.4213
05-07-2024 10.4205
04-07-2024 10.4209
03-07-2024 10.4139
02-07-2024 10.4127
01-07-2024 10.405
28-06-2024 10.4052
27-06-2024 10.5958
26-06-2024 10.5868
25-06-2024 10.5894
24-06-2024 10.5794
21-06-2024 10.5823
20-06-2024 10.5772
19-06-2024 10.5772
18-06-2024 10.5701
14-06-2024 10.573
13-06-2024 10.5654
12-06-2024 10.5653
11-06-2024 10.5609
10-06-2024 10.5697
07-06-2024 10.5569
06-06-2024 10.5491
05-06-2024 10.5583
04-06-2024 10.5652
03-06-2024 10.5277
31-05-2024 10.5243
30-05-2024 10.5224
29-05-2024 10.5126
28-05-2024 10.5074
27-05-2024 10.5072
24-05-2024 10.5144
23-05-2024 10.5144
22-05-2024 10.5101
21-05-2024 10.5015
17-05-2024 10.5021
16-05-2024 10.4904
15-05-2024 10.49
14-05-2024 10.486
13-05-2024 10.4804
10-05-2024 10.4824
09-05-2024 10.4759
08-05-2024 10.4722
07-05-2024 10.4754
06-05-2024 10.4652
03-05-2024 10.4562
02-05-2024 10.4469
30-04-2024 10.4591
29-04-2024 10.4478
26-04-2024 10.4438
25-04-2024 10.4412
24-04-2024 10.4507
23-04-2024 10.4485
22-04-2024 10.4432
19-04-2024 10.4486
18-04-2024 10.4426
16-04-2024 10.4419
15-04-2024 10.4361
12-04-2024 10.4311
10-04-2024 10.4306
09-04-2024 10.4267
08-04-2024 10.4284
05-04-2024 10.4232
04-04-2024 10.412
03-04-2024 10.4074
02-04-2024 10.3965
01-04-2024 10.396
31-03-2024 10.3885
28-03-2024 10.3869
27-03-2024 10.5616
26-03-2024 10.543

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